Brexit results, Breakdown of EU – the Strength of the Masses

The news have just began to pour in about the victory of ‘Brexit Campaign’ in the United Kingdom which means UK will now no longer be part of the European Union. UK becomes sort of trendsetter in the EU as it becomes the first member nation to part ways from the powerful European Union after 43 years of being its member.

In the neck to neck held national referendum, 52% of the Britons voted to leave the EU. Though the markets have reacted critically to this result it marks the representation of the strength of the masses against the political and economic hegemony of the ruling class. It is how common masses are defining it.

Changing demography, migrant crisis, pressure on economy due frequent bailouts were some of the many key reasons why the UK opted for Brexit.

Brexit is the first real instance of breakdown of the European Union. With UK many more members of the EU are expected to follow suit and the EU is staring down in the valley of doom. The Brexit result has taken prime ministership away from UK’s serving Prime Minister, David Cameron as he resigns and a new prime minister is expected to assume office by the October of this year. Brexit is sure to trigger demands for such referendums across the various member nations of the EU and is also expected to claim a few more chairs from the EU leadership, Brexit is sure to trigger demands for such referendums across the various member nations of the EU and is also expected to claim a few more chairs from the EU leadership viz., Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel??

Nigel Farage – the leader of the Brexit campaign has termed the 23rd June results as the “Independence Day for the United Kingdom” which is one of the most radical though realistic expressions against the domination of the ruling few and supra-globalization. 

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#MigrantCrisis, social unrest with economic uncertainty & #slowdown, interest rise leads #EU economy to 13-month low

— Samir Dattopadhye (@samirsinh189) March 31, 2016

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Conventional, cultural war threat to UK from #ISIS. Inside aid to #AntiNational elements threatens #NationalSecurity

— Samir Dattopadhye (@samirsinh189) March 9, 2016

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